The Top 21 Must-Read Books

Here is the impressive list of all the 21 books at your convenience.


  1. Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman

This little book has packed in a lot of information in it. All the concepts and techniques are very well explained, in simple English. Don’t get overwhelmed by the number of techniques, the writer has presented a great checklist at the end of the book that acts as a ready reckoner.

The book has missed the following points.

1. How to find clients for your copywriting business?
2. How much to charge them?

But I think first you should perfect the art, practice writing by hand many times, then go looking for clients.

The author has also given a list of books to be read further. Overall, this book is 10x worth the money.
Cashvertising: How to Use More Than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone

  1. DOTCOM Secrets by Russell Brunson

This book and the theory are an absolutely top notch. The author provides an amazing look into the world of building a company online and selling products online.

This book has the right mix of high-level strategy and low-level tactics.

The only con of this book is that it doesn’t address the technical side of things.
DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online

  1. The One Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib

This book is a must for anyone trying to devise a marketing plan. This book suits perfectly for professional services but really applies to any service type business.

If you really, really want to grow your business without wasting time and scarce money on marketing, buy this book and complete the exercises inside. You will not be disappointed.

The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand Out From The Crowd

  1. The Go-Giver by Bob Burg

This book is really powerful.  I highly recommend this book to anyone that is a natural born leader/entrepreneur feeling discouraged over all the selfishness in the world and feeling like giving up, wondering if they’re in the right for pursuing their dream. I highly recommend to anyone beginning their exploration of SEO to buy and read this book.

The Go-Giver

  1. Art of SEO by Rand Fishkin

Anyone who wants a book to provide you with the foundation of knowledge of all of the basic concepts of SEO and how to further expand my study. This book is not too technical that you can’t understand it, but not too simple that it would provide no value.

The Art of SEO 3e

  1. Marketing 4.0 by Philip Kotler

This book talks about the need to embrace digital and it is referred to as 4.0 very short read but quite informative.

The book provides a very structured framework to map various stages of association of a customer with a brand and how to design appropriate interventions to maximize return on Marketing investment.

Overall it is a great introductory book to give you the perspective of Digital Marketing.

Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital

  1. The Answer by Murray Smith and John Assaraf.

Indepth information about the science behind our mysterious human brain. Then followed by a crash course in marketing.
A must have for any business owner.

8.Tested Advertising Methods – John Caples

Excellent source for learning what “works” in the areas of writing advertising copy. Whether writing printed content, online advertisements for products or blog entries for information, this book is filled to the brim with honest, proven information and no nonsense methods.


  1. The Choice Factory: 25 Behavioural Biases That Influence What We Buy by Richard Shotton

If you are a Marketer, Strategist or a Media Planner this book should be your guide on how to gain a competitive edge over your competition, by just making the small tweaks to your product, creative copy and ad placement.


  1. Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Short book, easy to read. A few good insights – nothing earth shattering but well worth the read. I like the philosophy of trying to build something really special, memorable and share-worthy.


11.All Marketers are Storytellers by Seth Godin

This was a quick and insightful read! In typical Godin writing style, he explains through example and storytelling how the business situations of today are asking not for commoditization and efficiency, but depth and personalization. Customers need a story to tell themselves in order to spend more on a product that is likely available cheaper somewhere else. Although I agree with many critiques noting that Godin’s ideas may not be new in the business world, his delivery provides a much richer experience in learning about them.


  1. Expert Secrets Book by Russell Brunson

The value Russell share in this book is ridiculous to compare with the price we are paying for. This book is incredible for Marketers, Salespeople, Entrepreneurs and Online Influencers. Everyone can benefit from this content.


  1. Influence-The Psychology of Persuasion – Robert Cialdini

Great book to learn persuasion techniques. It also tells how to defend us from people using such tricks for profit. It uses academic research as evidence to support its techniques.

14.Nawab, Nudes & Noodles by Ambi Parameswaran

The book beautifully chronicles the past decades of Indian advertising. It manages to cover multiple product segments and the approach of advertising in each and their evolution over time. Quite a well-written book. Recommended read.


15.Triggers – Joseph Sugarman

This guide is the package full of 30 sales tools. Joseph Sugarman is a master at motivating, influencing and persuading prospects to BUY from YOU. Overall an excellent read.


16.Marketing Warfare by Al Ries

This book has awesome analogies that are applicable to all my marketing strategies. One of the best books ever written for understanding marketing positioning and strategy today. One of the easiest and most enjoyable reads for executives, business strategists, and others who don’t spend their whole working day in marketing. Fast, concise, well illustrated with images and words.

Marketing Warfare: 20th Anniversary Edition


17.Circle of profit by Anik Singal

This book contains very useful information inside if you have zero experience selling digital products. Shows a system that works from building your audience (potential customers) to create your very own product. Recommended if you are looking for inspiration on how to start a digital business.


18.Viral marketing by Karn Nelson-Field

The work done by Karen Nelson-Field and her colleagues at Ehrenberg-Bass Institute is extremely important and should be read by anyone serious about marketing.


19.48-hour startup by  Fraser Doherty MBE

For people looking for starting a business and needs some organized way to proceed, this book is a good start. This book will literally force you to step out and pursue your dream. It’s a book which will motivate you to start.

48-Hour Start-Up: From Idea to Launch in 1 Weekend


20.The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Anyone who is considering creating a startup or new product should read this book. The best thing about this book is that you don’t need business experience to understand the core concepts. The principles he talks about can be applied to all types of types of business but are particularly helpful for software and tech products.

The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses


21.Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman

Very astonishingly enlightening! If you like psychology or you feel something is wrong in your life but couldn’t figure it out, this book might be helpful. It uses very layman language to show you self-recognition and how your brain naturally goes if you don’t tame it. The writing style is very easy and humorous. I started the preface and couldn’t stop until fished it the next morning. Definitely a masterpiece.

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