

facebook account

How do you convert your Facebook Profile to a Facebook Page ?

Converting your Facebook personal account to a Facebook Page creates a new Facebook Page that’s based on your personal account.

You will have personal account/Fb profile and Facebook page after conversion.

Facebook will transfer your profile picture and other details into page.

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Steps to follow

Step 1 -: Login to your Facebook Account

Step 2 -: Go to Create a Facebook Page Based on Your Profile

Step 3 -: Click on “Get Started” Button

Step 4 -: After conversion,You will able to see 5 options

(i) Page

(ii) Notifications

(iii) Insights

(iv) Publishing Tools

(v) Profile to Page Tools


Step 5 -: Select “Profile to Page Tools” Option and Press the “Next” Button

You can edit : Category, Page Name, Address,Phone Number and Short Description.


harleen mann


           Step 6 -: The friends you choose from your profile will automatically like your new Page.Select the option as   Select All and Press the “Next” Button




            Step 7 -: If you want to add your photo albums to your Page from your Facebook account then Select & Click on “Finish” Button




                           After you finish all the steps,Facebook profile will get the automatic likes .




After converting your Facebook Profile to Facebook Page,We have an option to merge our existing pages.


You can go thru Facebook Help for more details.
